Creation and Entertainment

I found it very interesting how we talked about creating music in class and it related to God creating everything. I thought it was interesting when we talked about the music that related to God and all of his creations. I would have never thought that the music was talking about his creations. I think it is interesting to compare people creating all different kinds of music to God creating all different kinds of people in order to create that certain music. There is a lot of underlying meanings to music that relate to the Bible. I am enjoying learning about the different connections between music and the Word of God. I particularly found it interesting when the book talked about how some people who were affiliated with certain religions did not think that the word of God should be used as entertainment. This was a problem because there were orchestras that used the word of God in order to get the message across. In my opinion, there are a lot of different ways that the word of God is used to entertain. For instance, the worship services or the Christian concerts are entertainment, but they are also used for worshipping and diving into God’s word. I believe that these sources of God’s word are a great way to dive into the Bible and learn more about God and his word. There are so many instances in my life that I have come across the Bible and entertainment. For example, tv shows, movies, Christian concerts, vacation bible school, and just music in general. Now, that does not mean that I only use them as entertainment. I use these sources to worship God and study his word.