Adding Backgrounds/Settings That Don’t Exisit

In class today we discussed how we mindlessly add context, background, and setting to the stories that we read in the bible. A specific example that we talked about was the story of the Birth of Jesus. In the text, it states that Jesus was placed in a manger when he was born. Because this is said, we assume that Mary gave birth to Jesus in a barn. However, this is never said in the text.

My own example that I can think of is the story of the Binding of Isaac. In the text, it says that they traveled for three days. This is never said, but I assume that this three day trip was a very quiet and awkward trip. With the weight of what I assume Abraham was feeling because he had to kill his son, I assume that he was very silent and sad the entire trip. I also would think that the trip back home was even more awkward. I cannot imagine how Isaac was feeling and how afraid of his father he was. In reality, I have no real reason to assume this because it is not stated. This is just an example of how one can add context and backdrop to stories without meaning to.

Today in class we were also asked to begin to do this with intention. We should purposely add context and perspectives as well as background or setting to the stories of the Bible. This would be a very good thing to do to be able to use our imagination in order to be able to make cooler, more original lyrics in order to set them to music.