Enjoyment of Performing

I really appreciated noting that Messiah was also very enjoyable for the performers, as well as the audience. I think a lot of times people assume that, because someone is performing music, they are automatically enjoying it. However, this often times is not the case, and I think the pieces that are most enjoyed by the audience are those that are also most enjoyed by the performers. I believe that when performers care about a piece and its meaning or simply enjoy performing it, there is much more power behind the performance. For me, when it is obvious a person is not enjoying performing, it causes me to not enjoy the music as much, even if the piece is really enjoyable. I also think it’s very interesting that Handel made adjustments to Messiah depending on when and where it was performed. I think this adds a level of surprise and reduces any monotony that might be present in the performance. This element of surprise, I think, definitely adds more enjoyment for both the performers and the audience.