Filling in the Gaps of History

While attending our class on 9/21, I couldn’t help but feel the vast difference between the Bible that I thought I know and the Bible that truly is. At first I thought that maybe my pastor was just incorrect when he was teaching us, but then I moved on to a deeper plane of thought and realized that there was simply room for interpretation, and we just found different ways to fill these these gaps in the stories. How are we able to maintain the integrity of the Holy Bible when we fill our own understanding of the world into the pages of scripture? Our modern minds do not have the same abilities of understanding of the original authors…not necessarily a bad thing but more that we have advanced as a society. We know more about how the physical world works. In my FYS we have talked a lot about the set line between the finite reality and the infinite reality, and how this line exists for a reason. In the long run, we must be very careful when mixing the two realities, and by filling these gaps we have a 50/50 shot of either furthering our understanding or muddying the waters even more. While filling the gaps in the story can help, we must be careful to avoid confusion.