Modern “Amen”

In class today we touched on the meaning of the word “Messiah”. This lead to a conversation about other impactful and significant words within the Bible. Words like Hallelujah and Amen have a significant meaning in the Bible and when they are used, they are used whole-heartedly. For a brief moment, we asked ourselves if we think these words, Amen and Hallelujah, have been modernly changed to lose how significant of an impact they may be used on the daily.

I do think these two words have been used in alternate situations in modern societies. These two words continue to be used in a form of praise and appreciation, as they were in the Bible, however, nowadays the praise does not always surround the Lord. Nowadays, people will hear something that they agree with and respond with an “Amen” to show appreciation for what was just spoken, despite the topic.

I believe we will be talking more about this alternation in vocabulary meaning in class on Tuesday. I look forward to this conversation because although the use of the word seems to have expanded it remains present in the church. I will continue to think about this controversy in hopes to form my own opinion, and gather more opinions on others.