The Handel’s Messiah

In class, we talked about different text and music through Isaiah. Also with the topic of Handel Messiah. We started class with
Messiah being Hebrew.
Christ being Greek
They Both come together and mean the same word. This word being anointed or the anointed one. Being anointed means having oil or a liquid speared on you. I think of oil too because I’m always hearing,”make sure you anoint your head with oil. To me, I would also think it meant to be blessed or asked to be blessed. Some of these text and their songs reminds and makes us feel kind of christmasy. Like for our child is born, it reminds be of the the Christmas Mary song. The song for our child is born is very declarative and has a lot of repetition.

The song Hallelujah from the chorus in Revelations is song that I’ve heard before in like different movies or classes. I’ve never actually heard this purposefully or in church. It was never looked at as a worshiping song in the churches I’ve been. This song/ text relates to our topic because it’s representing a king getting crowned and with messiah and christ, the christians praising the lord which is christ.