Significance of the Crucifixion

Even though it does not seem the Bible discusses the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ for very long, it is important to recognize its significance. Many discuss whether or not it is the most important event in the Bible. The Crucifixion was the ultimate sacrifice by Jesus Christ for his people to have eternal life. Jesus was the final sacrificial lamb, which Samaritans now use as an example for Passover. The death and suffering of Jesus gave us salvation, the ability to be saved by him and have everlasting life. Jesus dying on a cross sort of stands as the foundation for Christianity as now we are baptized and know that he forgives our sins if we believe in him.

The events leading up to the Crucifixion seem to begin at Palm Sunday, but I feel the more important part is to discuss where it ends. The Resurrection seems to be even more important than the Crucifixion as it showed just how powerful Jesus Christ is. Whether it is truly more important or not, it is significant for all to understand the Crucifixion and suffering Jesus Christ endured. To help others recognize the importance, songs can be written as the musician perceives the event.