The Significance of the Crucifixion of Jesus

Good Friday is the day of remembrance that Jesus was crucified. The crucifixion is the day that Jesus was mocked and put to death by the Romans on the cross. This story is very significant because it portrays his death and sacrifice for sin. Some might believe it to be the most important story in the Bible. The movie, The Passion of the Christ tells the story of the Crucifixion of Jesus. It starts with the scene in the Garden and then shows Jesus getting beaten to the cross. This gives us the mental image of what happened during the death of Jesus.

We also talked about Crucifixion in Music. What would it sound like to compose a piece of music that somehow tells the story of the crucifixion? I think it would start off more intense because this is the part that Jesus was getting beaten and people were cheering for him to get killed. Then towards the end of the song, it slows down and gets quieter for the part Jesus dies. I would imagine the song would be in a minor key and sound very sad.