Behind the Crucifixion

Jesus’ crucifixion to me, is the most important event that was told in the Bible. In class two students mentioned that His crucifixion means sacrifice and salvation to them, and I fully agree. The idea that after Jesus was crucified on the cross, every child of God’s sins will be forgiven and will be given the most beautiful home at the end of our lives. Growing up and learning about the execution of Jesus, I am glad we were exposed to the gory of the execution without sugar-coating it too much. It is important we were able to understand the horrible experience Jesus went through for every child of God then and in the future.  It brought me a new level of joy and thankfulness for the Lord and my religion.

Imagining myself producing music to the background of Jesus’ crucifixion is interesting to me. Without a musical background, I would first be concerned that they would want me to produce their music. However, imagining that I did have a musical background, I would then be nervous to have that type of responsibility. When I think about the mental image I create with His crucifixion, the background has music that progressively builds and gets extremely intense while they are arresting Jesus and nailing Him to the cross. The music should match the internal stress the viewer experiences, and simply cut off when He dies. Slow music will follow the next scene as everyone walks away. I would want the music to produce a sorrowful experience for the audience. This should be a very emotional scene, therefore including emotional music is very important.