Interpretation of Scene in John 3

Because the original text of the Bible does not have quotation marks, we have to make sense of where they end. Different versions and translations might include more text than others, and the same goes for film. Different films can convey different scenes and can interpret Jesus in different ways. This is why it is important to know who Jesus is, but also know that the interpretation is basically up to us because not every detail of every scene in the Bible is included. I believe that if every detail were important, then God would have included it in His holy text through His Spirit, but because He didn’t, we can assume that the details really don’t matter. What does matter is our idea of the scenes, and how we picture them in our minds. We need to recognize that not every detail that we imagine the scenes to be is necessarily reality. That’s the beauty and mystery of the Bible: we may never know exactly how scenes played out. But what we can take from it is the overall message of the scene.