Kid Cudi Influence

Scott Mescudi, formally known as “Kid Cudi” is a Cleveland born Hip-Hop artist known for his groundbreaking alternative and electronic style of hip-hop, something the music community had never seen done before. Cudi first broke onto the scene in 2009 with his first studio album ‘Man on the Moon: The End of Day‘. Considered one of the best albums of all time by his fans, and hip-hop fans alike. Man on the Moon shot Cudi into stardom in the late 2000s.

In a TedTalk that took place in 2015, but wasn’t released to the public till late 2020, Cudi talks about the death of his father at 11 years old and how music was an escape for him at a young age. How music was  something that kept him from falling into the scary areas within life. Cudi is one of the most popular mental health advocates within the music industry. Whether that be with the music he releases or the conversations he has, he is open about his own person struggles and how dangerous mental health can be. 

Cudi can be heard singing “I got some issues that nobody can see” and “Can’t stop this war in me” in two of his songs titled, ‘Soundtrack 2 My Life’ and ‘Tequila Shots’ respectively. Cudi’s discussions of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and suicide have always been apart of his music. Growing him a fiercely loyal fanbase full of listeners who are able to connect emotionally through his music. Stars such as Travis Scott and Pete Davidson credit Cudi on “saving their lives”. Both Scott and and Davidson struggled with mental health issues while younger. Having someone to listen to with the same issues, was a beneficial thing for both. In an interview with Hot97, Scott says “He (Cudi) saved my life. He saved me from doing random bad things to myself. Kept me focused.” With that, Travis Scott was able to gain enough fame to be able to collaborate with Cudi on multiple songs within the recent years. In an interview with The Breakfast Club, Davidson admits, “I would have killed myself. — Absolutely, one hundred percent. I believe if ‘Man on the Moon’ didn’t come out, I wouldn’t be here.” That is the thing about Cudi that draws so many fans to his music. Cudi’s music reminded you that you aren’t alone in your battles.

In the present day, 12 years on after ‘Man on the Moon’ was released. Cudi is a pop culture figure who has inspired many. He is able to connect multiple groups of people together through his music. “He’s a therapeutic light for people who need a helping hand.” says Complex in an article written about Cudi’s influence.