The Crucifixion of Jesus

In class today we watched different videos about the crucifixion of Jesus. One was of an interaction between Jesus and Nicodemus, the second one was the Anatomy of a scene-Featurette. In the second one, it was more cultural and confrontational then the first one. At the same time, the first one was was still a little confrontational, when Jesus was talking about being born again and going to heaven, Nicodemus was not believing him. We watched another video of the King of Kings- crucifixion scene. The music with it was classic.
Greatest story every told- tall crosses. Skys, background isn’t good. It’s dark and brown like. Looks more fake than the king of kings. The passion one was the most realistic and actually good in quality, which makes sense because of when it was made. There’s different ways in each video of the process. We needed the class with the Jesus Christ Super Star. It was a modern day video of their interpretation of the crucifixion and the Judah’s. I personally didn’t care for it. It was too loose when the topic of what happened was serious and heavy. Also the fact that it was in musical for made it more of a joke to me. Then you had some laughter, the overall video seemed like a mockery to me.