
Being able to portray a significant Biblical moment through film production, such as the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, must be carefully executed. One thing about film is that it offers more possibility for a greater level of diversity of audience members. What I mean by that is, people who may not be actively engaged in religious practices, such as reading the Bible or attending church, may be more inclined to watch a movie or a short film regarding a religious topic. Therefore, by properly executing a Biblical topic through a movie, it is possible to accept a higher outreach of people and expand their knowledge potentially about Jesus and God’s Word.

Looking at the three films: The Greatest Story Ever Told, King of Kings, and The Passion of Christ, all depict the same story however all in a slightly different way. Granted, all three of these films were created in different years therefore the level of technology improved with each film, however, I personally favored The Passion of Christ. At first, I’m sure people may have been slightly repulsed when watching Jesus’ crucifixion scene due to all the blood and explicit imagery, however, that is one of the main reasons why I appreciate this film the most out of the three. Being able to display to true genuine pain and horror that Jesus went through for his children allows a more appreciative reflection for the viewers. If this film reached a new unreligious child, I would strongly believe after watching this film they would gain more curiosity through Jesus’ life and the Christianity religion.

With that thought in mind, the ability to produce an exponentially acceptable film, and of course providing a well endured musical background to capture and maintain the attention of the audience, has its own individual ability to grow the diversity of a Christianity religion.