The Multiplicity of Crucifixions

It never ceases to amaze me, the number of theatrical depictions of the crucifixion of Christ. It is never odd that there are multiple of them, as this is such a popular story for many on this Earth. No, the interesting part of this reality is the odd fact that executives see profitability still. Surely if a movie studio filmed the same script five or six times, the profits of the newer version will slowly begin to decrease. So why continue filming the story of the death of Christ? Why are Passions so common in modern cinema? I simply cannot fathom that this is still a viable mean of generating revenue for companies. Is it possible that the entertainment companies have finally decided to “give the people what they want?” Maybe these companies are filming not for the profit, but for the sake of entertaining the larger majority of citizens whom the wish to appeal to. A story so famous can be shown multiple times, and many different portrayals can appeal to different people.