
We continued this week exploring the song we created in the last class discovering that it could also be a rock song set to the right music and doesn’t necessarily have to be stuck in one genre of music.  Then we began to talk about King David and some stories and also explored David as a musician and some songs that have been written about him and how they are different from modern music, as well as, one song that seems somewhat similar to modern music today although it was written centuries ago.  We also looked quite a bit at the story of David and Bathsheba.  When looking at some of the music written about David and the Bible it is interesting to hear the differences in the music compared to music we listen to everyday.  We looked at an Israeli song and talked about the differences we see in the Middle Eastern style music and our own and how they tend to hold their notes longer.  Another song was When David Heard by Thomas Tomkins in which the song although written in the 1600’s sounded quite similar to the modern music today in that similar style which is quite interesting.  We talked quite a bit a David and Bathsheba which was the story about how David sent Bathsheba’s husband off to die in war in order to take Bathsheba as his wife after he had gotten Bathsheba pregnant and how he committed adultery.  This we talk about how David committed a crime in that Bathsheba would not have consented and also how this story talks about romance in the Bible.  Then we looked at films that portrayed this story and focused on the music that comes with them and how one can almost guess the scene based off of hearing the music only in parts of the film as the music gives a good sense of what is maybe happening.  Then once again looking at examples of music that might help us in our own project of creating a musical piece and trying to give ideas and things that we could use in assisting us in our project.