King David and How Music

In class today, we talked about how all different types of instruments can me used to sing a bible verse(s). Get different rhythms and with each beat/instrument that’s used. I liked the Chinese guitar that was played for us, it was very different and had a nice sound to it. The King David Ensemble that was played was a different version of a biblical text that was sung. It used different types of notes and instruments, which was apart of the middle eastern background and their own natural sound. When talking about David commenting adultery, we discussed if adultery was the correct word to use. I think so, he slept with another woman who isn’t his wife and Bathsheba did too because she was willing and let him sleep with her knowing she has a husband. I guess it’s possible that she wasn’t a willing participant, but the way the story is told in the version in class, she’s in the wrong here. Then on top of it she gets pregnant. The song Hallelujah was brought up with King David and it could be used as love or lust, or in my version of knowledge…a sad scene in the movie Shrek.