Power of Music

A few classes ago we listed to music written by Bach. We talked about how his work has the ability for a listener to experience something. I think this is a very powerful aspect of music. Music has the power to affect listeners in different ways. Not everyone has an extensive background on music and composition, however they can still feel something. I do not have any experience studying or making music, but I still like to listen to music, have a favorite type of music, and can understand what a piece is trying to portray. I can tell when a song is supposed to be sad, happy, etc. I also do not have much background knowledge on Christianity or the Bible, but when we listen pieces in class that are supposed to portray the story we are talking about, I am able to picture it. When the music speeds up, it is probably the most intense part of the story. When it slows down, maybe the action is ending. Music is very powerful and has the ability to impact people no matter what background or knowledge they may or may not have.