The Crucifixion

In class on Tuesday we looked at different portrayals of the crucifixion of Jesus. We looked at different movies, plays, musicals, etc. It is interesting how many different interpretations there are. They are all telling the same story, but can be done so differently. One portrayal we looked at was from the 1960s. It looked more like a play. The setting was dark and very quiet. At first, I thought the sound was not turned on in the video. This is not how I would’ve expected it to be. I imagined it as outside, in daylight, lots of people around, lots of noise, etc. Another piece we watched was set outside when it was bright out, but still wasn’t what I was imagining. It seemed to desolate and quiet. The first one also did not seem as intense as I expected either. Jesus did not seem as in pain or hurt as in another one we watched. The last one was “The Passion of the Christ” I believe, which personally to me was too realistic and “gory” that I couldn’t even watch, I had to look away. This just shows how many different interpretations there are and how we all have our own ideas and thoughts about how things should be portrayed or how we imagined them.