Protecting the Youth at the Expense of Truth

As our class took a look at a number of children’s songs this week, I realized just how little about many of the biblical stories we actually teach to children. Yes, there is a word to be said about protecting the innocence of youth and withholding certain details that they can not possibly comprehend. But in truth, there are many in faith whom never rectify this at a later age. Many modern Christians interpret the Bible as they were taught as a child, not as it is written. In reality, this process can disconnect many with the actual stories, and lead to reasoning that is less than perfect. Without all the details, how can we be expected to truly answer any question? I propose that it is time to begin better explaining these biblical stories. Maybe not to the youngest of children, but surely by the time of high school graduation, teens in the church should be aware of how the stories actually go. It is time to fix the mistakes of the early church, and begin to provide a complete look into the Bible.