She’ll Be Coming ‘Round the Mountain . . . Biblical?

I remember singing the song “She’ll Be Coming ‘Round the Mountain” in preschool, kindergarten, and daycare; however, I never realized this catchy children’s song originated from the Bible. The song was actually introduced in the nineteenth century entitled “When The Chariot Comes.” The first verse of the original song very nearly reflects that of the song we know today; however, it is important to discuss what it is referring to. “When The Chariot Comes” refers to the second coming of Christ. The following lyrics mention, “King Jesus, he’ll be driver,” and “She’ll be loaded with bright angels.” While these lyrics seem more Biblical than the first, the meaning of the song is significant. It will be interesting to find what led to the splitting of this song from the Bible. Even though it is now a folk children’s song, I feel it is important to teach the Bible version as the song is so catchy and will be easy for children to learn and remember.