Moses una Aron

To express an inconceivable God is beyond human language. We cannot understand Him, nor can we describe Him accurately with our made-up human language. Likewise, the process of writing music can be the same in our minds. We use music to express something that we cannot convey with human language. Moses und Aron is an example of this idea, using a serialism, atonality, and the twelve-tone technique. If we could convey a Holy and perfect God, then He wouldn’t be God because then we would be searching for an even higher being. So the fact that we will never be able to fully comprehend or explain God, shows His power, glory, and perfection that is beyond our mental capacity to interpret. However, we can understand truths about God from His word and who He says He is. But we will never be able to fully grasp all that He is. The same goes for how we feel about music. We may be able to describe some aspects of the music like it sounds weary, or upbeat, or mysterious. But we can never fully describe how the music makes us feel or what it means. And that’s why we make it. It’s a parallel to the unknown and uses a different way to express something that we cannot fully understand in human language.