Arvo Part & John Rutter

Today we started class by listening to different music than last time. It was a calm and soothing instrumental piece. We talked about a more modern composer, Arvo Part, which is different than what we have done in most classes. He is a composer of classical and religious music. With his music, he wants listeners to take something away from his music on the Bible. We can gain knowledge about the Bible from his music just by listening, instead of trying to interpret through reading. I learned that this religious music is not commonly found in other parts of the world. Christian contemporary music is just not as a big of a phenomenon in other countries. Another contemporary composer we talked about is John Rutter, who’s work is very popular. I would categorize his style much more in the era of Romantic music. Rutter’s music that we listened to was beautiful. He does a great job of representing the Bible in his work, where he incorporates sadness and mourning, light and hope. His music expresses that there is something deeper and higher and beyond.