Influence of Music(extra blog)

Music is often a marching zone for people’s freedom, it’s a way to relate and release their emotions. Sometimes when watching different scenes and acts in a show or movie, you’ll see a trick or something you find cool and when you dig into it to find out how it was done, then sometimes it can ruin it for you and or it’s not cool anymore. Same reason why magicians always say they won’t share their secrets/tricks. If we didn’t have music as a outlet, the world would just be sad. We would have a lot more different things in our lives that wouldn’t feel complete. Music makes the world go round and everybody cares about it. It influences us in multiple ways that can be positive, negative or just makes us feel like we’re not alone. I personally love music, I listen to it every day and almost all day. I like multiple different genres and it’s just something that helps me feel good, hype, or understood. Music Is Life!