Rutter in the Bible & Music

In class, we listened to a composition by John Rutter. Even though his music was very pretty, he is not a religious believer and is agnostic. This brought up the topic, “Is it okay to not be a religious believer and still set Biblical text to a melody?” While I am a believer, this question sparked my interest. I see it as if it is okay for an actor or actress to play a role in a musical or play, then it is okay for a musician to incorporate the Bible into music. However, as a listener, I do feel it is difficult to feel the music is powerful and meaningful, and then realize it truly meant nothing to the composer. It seems almost as if the listener was played a trick on. Although if they get their point across, it obviously was effective, and for that, I feel it is okay for non-believers to set Biblical texts to melodies. The listeners get more meaning out of the music than if he did not create it, so I feel it is important to allow those who do not believe to create Biblical music.