Peaceful Music

Peaceful music is interesting because it is simple and beautiful. I genuinly like peaceful music because it calms me and allows me to relax in stressful situations. My favorite peaceful song artist is Sam Smith. His music is calm and genuine. I also like Ocean Eyes by Blackbear. These are more recent pop artists, but today’s class discussion made me think of them and the way that they write their music. I enjoy these songs because the background music and the lyrics are calm and soothing. I also like their work because it is simple. The chorus is simple and easy to understand and the music is beautiful and not complicated. I think this relates to this class because a lot of spiritual music is put to a relaxing and peaceful tone. It is easy to write biblical lyrics to a peaceful tone because the word of God is peaceful and soothing. In my opinion, this gave me insight when thinking about my final project. I need to choose a song that has a peaceful, soothing melody because that will be easier to match will biblical text.