Love and Music

Love is presumably the most common theme within pop-culture music throughout almost all genres. Today we took a look at the theme of love in the Bible and in music derived from the Bible. There are many examples, but perhaps the most predominant is the Song of Songs or the Song of Solomon. This text is thought to display the type of love known as “eros,” but we can see examples of different kinds of love, such as “philia” and “agape,” in many musical renditions of the Psalms or even in stories such as Ruth. So, why is love such a long-lasting musical theme? Well, love has a certain faith-like, infinite quality, and, in my opinion, love is essential to human existence. Love is a dominant emotion of the human complex, one that provides us with a certain degree of meaning for life, so it makes sense that love continues to appear as the most common theme of music throughout time. Music is a way to express emotion, and love may be the strongest emotion of all.