Ruth & Boaz

The story of Ruth is another example of love but in a different context. This love is from loyalty. Ruth shows her loyalty and love for Naomi by making a promise to follow her wherever she goes, and despite being a Moabite who doesn’t worship God, she agrees to worship God just as Naomi does. This shows a deep level of loyalty that Ruth has for Naomi. When Ruth finds Boaz, she shows her love in the same way. By laying at Boaz’s feet, Ruth humbles herself and shows her loyalty as committing to Boaz as a servant and basically shows Boaz she wants to marry him. It was a middle eastern custom for servants to lay horizontally at their master’s feet. In the same way, Ruth shows Boaz her loyalty towards him. She then asks for him to cover her with a blanket which represents the act of covering, protection, and acceptance, which symbolizes marriage, commitment, and loyalty. Since she was a widow, she was asking Boaz to protect her and ultimately choose her as his partner. And these actions of Ruth showed Boaz her loyalty towards him.