Solomon’s Song of Songs

In the beginning of class today we talked about Solomon’s Song of Songs. We reviewed text from the piece “Colloquy of Bride and Friends” and how the song related to the bible, love, and other themes of common music. The text reflects Gods love for the church with the metaphors of love for “him” which portrays God. In another line from a different piece, the text gives an odd source of imagery for love stating “your hair is like a flock of goats- your teeth are like a flock of shorn ewes”, which is text taken from an image point, but translated to English. While this line is not something we commonly hear people say, it portrays a metaphor that takes the biblical text to a sense of love. After watching the video “Dodi li” (1960) by Rika Zarai, we saw Rika singing the text in its original language. The rhythm makes the text flow which is surprising since the text is worded in a way that I wouldn’t expect anyone to make the words sound good. The songs original language is Hebrew and after researching the meaning behind the song name, I found that Dodi li actually means “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine” in Hebrew. This connects to the text from the lines we read talking about Hebrew love lines and when the lines are translated to English, it sounds different. Rika’s music, while in Hebrew, gives us the actual rhythm in Hebrew and allows us to hear the piece in its original language.