Love in the Bible

Today in class (11/02), we started by talking about a common theme in music genres. “Love” is used in so many types of music from R&B to country. “Love” is also used in practically all types of media like tv shows, movies, books, etc. The Bible is not what I first think of when I think of love stories, but it can be found. I decided to look more into the theme of love in the bible. One example is the first story, which is Adam and Eve. Adam needs a woman and so Eve is created for him. Everyone knows that story. Another example is Sarah and Abram. Sarah was unable to have a child on her own, but loved Abram so much that she offered a surrogate to get him an heir to the throne; she then was rewarded by God with her own child she was able to conceive. In the story of David and Bathsheba, David sees Bathsheba and thinks she’s beautiful and wants her to be his wife. She’s married and they commit adultery and she gets pregnant with David’s child, and David has her husband killed in battle. These are a few examples of romance in the bible, further proving that love is a common theme across all media.