Prayer, the Bible, and Music

When hearing The Lord’s Prayer, I can remember memorizing it at Vacation Bible School, saying it with my mom before going to sleep, or hearing my sister’s softball team reciting it after a softball game. The Lord’s Prayer has been set to many melodies and in multiple languages. In class we listened to “Baba Yetu,” which is The Lord’s Prayer in Swahili. There have been many versions of The Lord’s Prayer in English by The Beach Boys, Elvis, Sister Janet Mead, and more.

Verses and chapters in Psalms have also been set to melodies to create music. U2 used Psalm 40 in a song, while the Melodians created a song out of Psalm 137.  Musicians have created music out of Psalms in many different genres, and even disco. To express the importance of prayer, musicians have created numerous songs about prayer using verses in the Bible.