Romance, the Bible, and Music

This week we started by talking about the romance and love that is found throughout the Bible and how those stories of romance and love have been turned in music.  As you look at just about any genre of music, you find that most songs in those genres sing about love and romance.  So while each genre is unique in its own way, they all have the fact that they sing quite a bit about love and romance in common.  Also if you look at today’s society love and romance play an important role and is found everywhere in normal life and so they sing about something that is always present and something that most people can relate to in one way or another.  So as we looked at the Bible and the passages and stories about love and romance, you start to wonder why they are there and what they actually mean other than a surface level understanding of each passage.  Why were these stories included what purpose do they serve.  Then as we started to talk about the different music that was created from these stories, it become interesting to see the different music and the different interpretations of these stories found in the music.  It helps the listener to develop a new perspective or few on the story and to think about it in a different or even more deeper meaning and maybe begin to understand why it has been included in the Bible and its purpose.  While music can be soothing and great to listen to, it can also serve as a learning tool and can teach while also entertaining the listener.