Scavenger Hunt

This discussion was so fun and insightful. I learned of so many new songs with biblical references. We discussed how sometimes as we listen to music we bypass the words and just go with the flow not realizing any words were listening to. We also talked about how much influence the Bible has on pop culture and what that means. We talked about how influential Psalm 23 is in Hip-Hop. And many people agreed with that. We talked about certain genres and how that influence biblical or religious references in songs. Someone pointed out that this is very relevant to Country music and I would have to agree. There are so many ways one can add a biblical allusion or reference in their songs and make it work. Someone also mentioned that they thought it’d be older songs with biblical references/allusions, and I disagreed just because music never changes too much. Many artist take ideas from others as well. So I don’t think biblical references/allusions will be going anywhere anytime soon in music and even pop culture!