Allusions and examples

What is an allusion? This was one of the questions today. One example of the wrong example of an allusion would be “God” or “Lord”, these are not allusions to the Bible. Maybe something talking about resurrection instead of Jesus can allude to the Bible. We talked about Narnia for example and how the Lion comes back to life from the dead, which can be an allusion to the Bible and the resurrection.  Allusions can be blurry and hard to know if it truly is an allusion. This isn’t related to music, but one thing I thought of during class is an allusion in a book I read my freshman year “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” and the allusion to Cain and Abel in the Bible. There is so much biblical imagery in music, but not really allusions. Words such as Amen and Psalms. I learned of a new song today that had a biblical allusion. In the song “We are the World” there is a biblical allusion to “turning stone into bread”. I never noticed that and I lovvvveee this song. I’ve listened to this song many times and I’m shocked I never noticed.

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