What Is An Allusion


An Allusion that is often used in English translation of the bible doesn’t make it an allusion to the Bible. Like using the word God, Lord or Hallelujah. People use these words as an expression…example, “hallelujah, were saved!” People can be not religious and use this to show their gratitude but not towards God. In the song Isaac and Abraham, there’s no mention/voice of God. It tells the story of how he was put to the test though. Highway 61 was about the Isaac and Abraham story in the first few verse. It’s different from the other one, the tone of it is more tense and more threatening. Highway 61 leads from where Bob Dylan was born, until the heart of where the blues are which is Louisiana. The Leonard version of the story of Isaac is another different version from the other two. He makes this song seem more personal like it was his life/childhood. It started with him being nine years old going on a mountain trip. It’s also a sadder tone then the other two we listened to.