Delvyn Case Visit

Today’s visit by Professor Delvyn Case from Wheaton College (not that Wheaton) was a very interesting experience. I was really grateful for the opportunity to hear from a real composer who was doing something related to the course material. I have met and spoken with one other composer in my life, and both experiences have shown me some things I had never thought about before. Professor Case especially opened my eyes to the use of the Bible in realm of composing like a thought experience. Some people may have considered his tampering with the text sinful and problematic. I was a little uneasy about it myself, but the way he explained it, I definitely I understood him more. Music is art, and so using the Bible as lyrics was a way for Professor Case to explore his own Christianity and faith. I respect that this was a wonderful opportunity to explore his faith, especially considering how controversial this story has been for both Jews and Christians alike. He really challenged my own worldview when he mentioned things like God not being the true author of the Bible and the mention of there being an alternate story where Abraham does kill his son. I think that’s why guest visits and different perspectives are always good. They cause us to challenge our own beliefs. So in a way, when Professor Case was showing us a piece that challenged his faith, in turn, it made me question my own. Not to mention, the music was unlike anything I had ever heard before. It was very unique, and the symbolism that he used was beautiful.