Bible Speaking About Music

When beginning my song for the final project this week, I ran into a website called, “What Does the Bible Say About Music?” It lists over one hundred verses that speak about music. I found this to be quite interesting. Did the disciples expect God’s people to rejoice in him by singing? While this is a common way to praise the Lord, I found it fascinating how many times the Bible speaks about music. The verses are as simple as Psalm 95:1 stating, “Oh come, let us sing to theĀ Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!” This is just basically explaining you should speak to God by singing. There are other verses such as, Psalm 57:7 which says, “My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast! I will sing and make melody!” This verse expresses the importance of singing to Christ when you are not feeling good and feeling down about yourself. In class so far, we have learned how music can make it easier to remember verses, and now, I have realized the Lord wants you to praise by singing. The words in the Bible express a verse about music a lot. I always enjoy getting hymns or Christian songs on the radio stuck in my head. I hope to continue learning about the importance of music in relation to the Bible.