Interpretation of the Bible Stories

I find it so interesting that because of how different our society is from the society during the times when the Bible was written, that we tend to have different ideas of how the stories of the Bible happened.

This can be compared to how operas, musicals, and oratorios are interpreted because of the entertainment. Sometimes we add or take away different depictions naturally both within stories in the Bible and with editing and making musical performances, to make it more understandable to us. The Bible can be hard to understand without proper background knowledge, and it can be very easy to add or remove aspects from the Bible just with our imagination, because we weren’t actually there. Similar to entertainment and music, we may add words or ideas or emotions in order to create more entertainment or to convey a certain scene in our minds. An example of this in class was the Prince of Egypt movie scene depicting an emotional scene that isn’t completely and totally accurate to the real story of the birth of Moses. This is for the purpose of adding a scene in our minds and creating emotion so it is more relatable to our world as we know it in the 21st century.

I can see how this could be controversial because it paints a false and not 100% true of a Biblical story, but the thing is, we do not have a completely accurate picture or knowledge of any of the stories of the Bible, because although they are true, we weren’t there and a lot was probably left out when the authors were writing the pages of the Bible anyways. I believe that sometimes the details aren’t necessary but what is, is the overall message from the story.