
Personally, I have a fair amount of experience writing my own music and working with various online softwares.  For my senior project in high school, I decided to write and record my own five song EP of sorts.  Though I cannot say I thoroughly enjoy all of the music I created during that period, the project introduced me to several avenues for writing, organizing, and sampling music online.  Through that process, I became well acquainted with Musescore, one of the several programs Dr. McGrath introduced us to in class in the other week.

Musescore allows the user to compose their music in the traditional/standard method of sheet music.  The user is able to select as many instruments as they want, whatever time signature they would like (even the weird ones people seldom use), and their desired tempo of the piece.  Given that my first instrument is piano, and that it is the instrument on which I start most of my writing, I have a great deal of experience with sheet music and theory, so Musescore allows me to compose music in a way that it makes most sense to me.  However, this being considered, the program may not be as helpful to those who have minimal to no experience with the medium of sheet music.  All of this being considered, I will certainly be utilizing Musescore in the creation of my final project for this course.