Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis

This week we began by talking about the songs Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis and how both songs have been taken by many musicians and using the same text but making them completely different songs by changing the style, rhythm, or notes to make them sound different from one another.  So, we spent the class talking about making music and how you can take something text from a song that is already available and then make up your own music around the text and make something unique and interesting that does not copy or steal the work of someone else.  We did this today by collectively starting to make a song by taking the words coming up with our own rhythm and then picking out random notes and trying it out and adjusting to then find out we made something quite interesting and something that sounded good.  Also in talking about making music we all agreed that getting started is always the hardest part, such as getting an essay started or a project started, once you get it started you begin to relax and gain some confidence that helps make the rest of whatever you are doing a little easier and your work can begin to flow.  When looking at both Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis it helps you to realize how many different songs and version can be made from the same exact text and each version has is own uniqueness and each it good in its own right and it can be encouraging in trying to right your own music and realizing maybe it is not really as hard and daunting of a task as you once thought it to be and it does not have to be perfect on your first try and just trying different things and playing around with different notes can help you to maybe discover something that sounds good.