History of the Bible and Music

The previous class made me realize that the Bible has been interpreted many times in many different ways. I think it is interesting to see how the Bible shows up in a lot of songs and other things. I am looking forward to this class because I think it is going to be interesting to look for things in my everyday life, such as music, and find how it resembles or interprets the Bible. I also thought it was interesting how we talked about how there are a lot of different ways to interpret God’s word. This made me think about how many people, even myself, may have interpreted it in a different way.

I thought it was very interesting to look at how the ancient music relates to the Bible in so many ways. I really enjoyed listening to the ancient music and seeing how some of the instruments that they used resembled the Bible or biblical times as well. I do not have a lot of musical knowledge, but I did learn about the lyre in our last class. I am excited for this class because I do not know a lot about music and I can not wait to learn. Also, I love learning and diving into some of the underlying meanings of the Bible. I like to see how other people interpret God’s word and then compare it to what I thought the message was.