Children’s Music Related to the Bible

All of the childrens’ songs that we talked about on the zoom class related to a bible verse in some way. I thought it was interesting because the song, “This Little Light of Mine,” was used a lot throughout the class. I think that it was used because it relates to a lot of differnet verses in the bible. It is also a relatively easy tune to memorize and it sticks with us throughout our lifetime. I think this song is easy to tie to events that happen in your life. Like one person said on the zoom in the previous class, she uses this song when she is feeling down or hidden. In conclusion, I think that this song is common because it reminds us of a safe time in our childhood and we are still able to use it as a lesson in our life today as we have grown up. Another example that stuck out to me is the song “She will be coming around the Mountain.” This is a good example because there are so many different versions of the song and so many ways of interpreting the meaning of the song. The song helps us think of spiritual meaning in the fact that the chariot is the she referring that the return of Christ is depicted on driving the chariot. I really enjoyed this class lesson because I was able to tie the ideas of these songs to my life. I was also able to look at songs that I have heard a lot throughout my childhood in a different way and learn more about the true meaning in the songs.