
Something interesting I found from the lecture today is the idea of someone who is not religious having to set a biblical text to music. Professor McGrath proposed the idea that if you are not religious but still have to accomplish the task of setting biblical text to music, you could “pretend” or “act” like you are religious. It sounds like an interesting or even a bit of a weird idea, but it could potentially be very helpful. If one does not believe in what the text is saying, they could simply put themselves in the shoes of someone who does believe what the text is saying. If the excerpt is not sacred to you, you could act like it is and ask yourself, “If I did believe in this, what would I do?” or “What would someone who does believe this do?” I thought this was a very interesting tactic to use if you are in this course, being asked to do these things and if you did not believe in what you were asked to do.