Modern Music

Listening to some of the more modern music in class today really struck me. It made me realize that music truly is a universal and timeless language. It is no wonder why Biblical texts and other sacred texts are frequently set to music. We have listened to A LOT of different types of music in this class over many different time periods and genres. Yet, there is always common themes and decisions woven throughout them no matter what. Rutter’s music that we listened to today, it contained remnants to more classical and baroque music. I think that this is beautiful is that things change, but music will always remain fairly constant. The same thing can be said of the Bible, the words are constant and comforting. It is no wonder that music is arguably the most perfect medium to convey the words of the Bible. Even in the differences that exist within the modern music we heard today, there is still a great beauty and meaning to all of it. It is a way to reach great amounts of people by appealing to their tastes and beliefs.