Scavenger Hunt — My Experience

The scavenger hunt was one of my favorites so far in this class. I really enjoyed looking for biblical allusions in music. I tried to stay in the R&B/Rap genre because that’s what I listen to most. I think I found some pretty good examples. My favorite example that I found would be Forbidden Fruit by J Cole because there was a pretty well-portrayed allusion to Adam & Eve in the first verse. I also really liked So Many Tears by 2Pac. One thing I learned from this assignment was just how influential Psalms 23 is in many rap songs. It’s in Gangsters Paradise by Coolio and Jesus Walks by Kanye West as well. It’s hard to find some allusions but some are right in our faces, I didn’t even realize Psalm 23 in Gangsters Paradise until I did this assignment. But this assignment was so fun and I think it was a nice addition to the class!