Bible Verses in Popular Music

I did not realize how many songs contain Bible verses. Songs of all genres contain Bible text, paraphrased Biblical text, and references to the Bible. Anything from “Gangster’s Paradise” by Coolio(rap) to “He Turns Water Into Wine” by Johnny Cash(country) has Biblical references and direct representations of Bible verses. Not only was it interesting to… Continue reading Bible Verses in Popular Music

Prayer, the Bible, and Music

When hearing The Lord’s Prayer, I can remember memorizing it at Vacation Bible School, saying it with my mom before going to sleep, or hearing my sister’s softball team reciting it after a softball game. The Lord’s Prayer has been set to many melodies and in multiple languages. In class we listened to “Baba Yetu,”… Continue reading Prayer, the Bible, and Music

Romance in the Bible

Love is constantly in the Bible, “For God so loved the world,” “Love is patient,” and “We love because he first loved us.” We read of Christ’s unconditional love for his people in many parts of the Bible, but there are multiple discussions of romantic love scenes. The book of Solomon contains romance, as well… Continue reading Romance in the Bible

Rutter in the Bible & Music

In class, we listened to a composition by John Rutter. Even though his music was very pretty, he is not a religious believer and is agnostic. This brought up the topic, “Is it okay to not be a religious believer and still set Biblical text to a melody?” While I am a believer, this question… Continue reading Rutter in the Bible & Music

Exodus in Music

The popular story of Exodus has been featured in numerous pieces of music. Because of its continuous celebration around Passover, it shows why musicians and artists continue to write and sing about Exodus. “Wade in the Water” shows how the holy water will wash away your sins and bring you healing, as well as keep… Continue reading Exodus in Music

She’ll Be Coming ‘Round the Mountain . . . Biblical?

I remember singing the song “She’ll Be Coming ‘Round the Mountain” in preschool, kindergarten, and daycare; however, I never realized this catchy children’s song originated from the Bible. The song was actually introduced in the nineteenth century entitled “When The Chariot Comes.” The first verse of the original song very nearly reflects that of the… Continue reading She’ll Be Coming ‘Round the Mountain . . . Biblical?

Biblical Children’s Songs

Today, in class, we shared Biblical Children’s Songs via Zoom. Some songs touched home within us, and some songs were used multiple times by my classmates. Many of the songs reiterated the importance of believing in Jesus Christ(second chances, etc.) and others were about simple stories the Bible tells. It was interesting to see how… Continue reading Biblical Children’s Songs