Bible in Children’s Songs

Growing up in the church, I learned many biblical children’s songs, including “Jesus Loves Me,” “This Little Light of Mine,” and many, many more. These songs were taught to me before I was able to read and interpret the Bible. My Sunday School teachers and Vacation Bible School Leaders taught these to encourage learning about… Continue reading Bible in Children’s Songs

Bible in Movies

Many elements leave the watcher with their own perception and understanding, including the music, dialogue, and setting/costumes. In class today, we watched how filmmakers have depicted the scene of Jesus and Nicodemus. Music in the minor key can seem as self-reflection is going on or the scene is sad. There can be suspension music to… Continue reading Bible in Movies

Significance of the Crucifixion

Even though it does not seem the Bible discusses the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ for very long, it is important to recognize its significance. Many discuss whether or not it is the most important event in the Bible. The Crucifixion was the ultimate sacrifice by Jesus Christ for his people to have eternal life. Jesus… Continue reading Significance of the Crucifixion

Crucifixion in Music

Today, in class, we discussed Jesus’s Crucifixion and how it has been theologically interpreted in music. The original text of the Bible distinctly shows the expression of emotions from the perception of those who were onlookers of the Crucifixion. Music with the death of Jesus Christ represents the same emotional appeal. On top of the… Continue reading Crucifixion in Music

Analyzing Handel’s Messiah

George Frideric Handel combined multiple Bible verses to create an opera. His organization is not what one would expect, but somehow he gets it to flow very well. Many of the verses are well-known to us, but the way Handel places the verses together is what is so compelling. An interesting approach to his song… Continue reading Analyzing Handel’s Messiah

Picturing the Bible

Some versions of the text of the Bible are difficult to understand; however, when we try to understand the verses, we tend to form pictures in our heads of the scene. Whether that be from a former situation or simply what we think it would look like, it certainly helps us understand what the disciples… Continue reading Picturing the Bible

Operas, Oratorios, and Musicals . . . Oh my!

I never truly realized the difference between the three today and how they connect to the Bible. All are works created for entertainment but are still created differently. Operas have the sets, costumes, and music; whereas, oratorios are like operas, but without the acting. The third concept, musicals, which developed from operas, consists of singing,… Continue reading Operas, Oratorios, and Musicals . . . Oh my!