Modern “Amen”

In class today we touched on the meaning of the word “Messiah”. This lead to a conversation about other impactful and significant words within the Bible. Words like Hallelujah and Amen have a significant meaning in the Bible and when they are used, they are used whole-heartedly. For a brief moment, we asked ourselves if… Continue reading Modern “Amen”

Virtual Music Producing

After class on 9/16, I have been playing around on the different websites provided as options for producing music. I have found the most comfortability and flexibility with the website Beatmaker. With very little ability and knowledge in the music-producing topic before this class, this website offers a wide range of possibilities for simplifying the… Continue reading Virtual Music Producing

Copland with Genesis

Regarding he book that talks about how most composers conclude their music in Genesis at 2:2 or 2:3 makes sense. This is when in Genesis, it concludes on the seventh day of God’s creations, and he saw it was good. However, Copland decided to take his musical creation a step further, through to Genesis 2:7.… Continue reading Copland with Genesis

Simplicity in the Bible?

“Is the Bible easy to understand? Does the Bible have a single meaning?” In a short answer, no the Bible is not easy to understand, and there can be more than one meaning to the text of the Bible. Because the Bible is not easy to understand, it takes effort and time to decipher the… Continue reading Simplicity in the Bible?

A New Understanding to Chanting

Seeing the modern chanting is very interesting in comparison to what they believe to be most similar to the original chanting patterns done by Christians and Jews. Both versions have a very nice melody however, I might enjoy listening to the more modern New York City chant a little more. Although chanting would not be… Continue reading A New Understanding to Chanting

Ancient “Covers”

When viewing images of written ancient sheet music, I knew it would appear different than sheet music we use today. Truthfully, I don’t know too much about sheet music but with my minimum knowledge, I know that modern sheet music has notes instructing for instruments as well as words to sing. Ancient sheet music only… Continue reading Ancient “Covers”