Allusions and examples

What is an allusion? This was one of the questions today. One example of the wrong example of an allusion would be “God” or “Lord”, these are not allusions to the Bible. Maybe something talking about resurrection instead of Jesus can allude to the Bible. We talked about Narnia for example and how the Lion… Continue reading Allusions and examples

Scavenger Hunt

This discussion was so fun and insightful. I learned of so many new songs with biblical references. We discussed how sometimes as we listen to music we bypass the words and just go with the flow not realizing any words were listening to. We also talked about how much influence the Bible has on pop… Continue reading Scavenger Hunt

Spirituals (10/21)

As someone who has grown up in a black baptist church, I am very familiar with spirituals. We still use many to this day. To think that spirituals would still be so prominent in black churches today is amazing. These spirituals bring some type of connection with our ancestors and the trauma and hell they… Continue reading Spirituals (10/21)


Today in class we talked about Magnificat. The activity of everyone trying to change the sound of the first two lines in Magnificat was actually really fun and interesting. I think it was fun because we weren’t told to sing, just switch up the sound a little bit. It was nice hearing all the different… Continue reading Magnificat

Chanting in the Church

Talking about chanting made more sense to me than it did when I was reading about it. I understood more the difference between chanting vs singing. I feel like chanting can have musical aspects but not all chanting is musical. For example, we talked about how what we chant at BU games can be considered… Continue reading Chanting in the Church