Zoom With Delvyn Case

Delvyn Case, went to a religious college, he teaches at a school in the music industry. Rocket Sleigh was his only popular song that he had wrote. It’s similar to a Christmas themed song, he compared it to movie music. He purposely makes his songs sound sad and in distress, but he learned that there’s… Continue reading Zoom With Delvyn Case

What Is An Allusion

  An Allusion that is often used in English translation of the bible doesn’t make it an allusion to the Bible. Like using the word God, Lord or Hallelujah. People use these words as an expression…example, “hallelujah, were saved!” People can be not religious and use this to show their gratitude but not towards God.… Continue reading What Is An Allusion

(extra blog)

Salome takes a romantic interest in John. We expect romantic elements, but why erotic elements in the bible. Song of Songs is an erotic poem but it could just be an a deeper meaning and with the metaphorical approach, they just didn’t know what to do about it. There’s so many ways to look at… Continue reading (extra blog)

Romance Through the Bible

The passage from Song of Songs showed a lot of poetic imagery. It’s full of poetic romance and was how flirting worked in the bible. This was seen as compliments and romantic. In today’s society, we wouldn’t take that as flirting, we would find that really weird. The text isn’t in our language even though… Continue reading Romance Through the Bible

Different Melody’s

Alan Hovaness song played during class is a peaceful, calming song. It’s doing things that tradition music does, it’s doing modern and from the 20s sounds. Then towards the middle it isn’t calming, it is very haunting and sounds like tv static. The ripple before it, there’s a crescendo of eerie/scary movie type of sound.… Continue reading Different Melody’s

King David and How Music

In class today, we talked about how all different types of instruments can me used to sing a bible verse(s). Get different rhythms and with each beat/instrument that’s used. I liked the Chinese guitar that was played for us, it was very different and had a nice sound to it. The King David Ensemble that… Continue reading King David and How Music