Ruth & Boaz

The story of Ruth is another example of love but in a different context. This love is from loyalty. Ruth shows her loyalty and love for Naomi by making a promise to follow her wherever she goes, and despite being a Moabite who doesn’t worship God, she agrees to worship God just as Naomi does.… Continue reading Ruth & Boaz

Moses una Aron

To express an inconceivable God is beyond human language. We cannot understand Him, nor can we describe Him accurately with our made-up human language. Likewise, the process of writing music can be the same in our minds. We use music to express something that we cannot convey with human language. Moses und Aron is an… Continue reading Moses una Aron

Psalms are Praises!

The book of Psalms is the most famous and admirable example of music in the Bible. The writers of the Psalms used their lyrics as a vehicle to communicate with their God. The writers wrote songs of praise to God to express their joy to Him, they wrote songs of questioning to express their doubts,… Continue reading Psalms are Praises!